Tuesday 18 November 2008


In a speech to the CPRE on 14th November, Liberal Democrt Leader Nick Clegg set out the Liberal Democrat plan to make rural communities accessible, vibrant and green.

He announced that the Liberal Democrats would scrap regional planning targets for new homes from Whitehall, as well as national targets. He explained that regional housing targets aren't delivering the housing people need, and that we want to let local authorities, in consultation with local people, decide on the housing their communities need.

Rural communities need more affordable housing, more social housing, he said and added that villages risk becoming gated communities for the rich and the retired, unless local housing needs are met.

He warned that the recession will create two-tier rural communities, making the current crisis wore for rural housing and services unless we take immediate action. Recession means tougher times for rural communities and tougher decisions on how we use land.
Liberal Democrats ant to make rural communities -

Accessible: Empowering local authorities to build more social housing and scrapping national targets to tackle the rural housing crisis. Rural communities should be accessible. The most stunning parts of our country should not be the enclaves of the rich and retired. They should be communities for everyone.

Vibrant: Fulfilling the economic potential of rural areas by encouraging communities to support local produce. Our countryside should be vibrant. Villages and towns should not be denied vital services. Rural enterprise, jobs and prosperity should be encouraged to flourish.

Strengthening his commitment to the environment based on the premise that land is intrinsically valuable. Our plans for land must always be green. Fixing the economy must never come at the expense of protecting the environment. The two must go hand in hand.

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